Great Raptor Migration

We’ve seen grown adults crying after witnessing this phenomenon… so what are you waiting for?

Caribbean Costa Rica is one of the only places on Earth where you can see a river in the sky

Every year millions of birds of prey travel thousands of kilometers fleeing the cold winters in search of warm places full of resources.

This titanic pilgrimage requires them to show all their intelligence and make the most of their valuable energies, due to which they prefer to fly near the low and warm lands, in order to take advantage of favorable winds and thermal currents.

This is the reason why a Watching Tower was erected in the heart of the Caribbean of Costa Rica and where avid bird watchers, naturalists and enthusiasts alike, who find in the untamed jungles of the South Caribbean an event without comparison in the entire continent.

Greatest Wildlife Spectacles is a series of experiences designed by Oropopo inspired by the Ojalá Ediciones book of the same name. With this collaboration we seek to bring people closer to the natural wonders that our country offers and for which we are unique in the world.

Each of these experiences focuses on a particular show as well as the surrounding communities that have been associated with these events for years. We intend these journeys to be transformative and educational, to inspire and leave a mark on each of the participants.

Or contact us for a private tour with our team
